Bachelor of Sports Business (Leadership) student, Stacey McManus, journey to the 2021 Olympic Games

Bachelor of Sports Business (Leadership) student, Stacey McManus, journey to the 2021 Olympic Games
Capture 2021 10 09 03 12 58 UTC

How did you start out with Softball?

My whole family played softball so I was born into the sport and would spend every Saturday at the softball fields when my parents finally signed me up at the age of four and I never looked back.

How and when did it become your passion?

I have always loved softball when I was growing up and could never get enough of playing or training. However, it was not until I was about 11 and watched Australia play at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games where I realised, I wanted to play softball for Australia and one day go to the Olympics.

Why did you choose ACPE?

I chose ACPE as I was interested in the courses available as well as being an athlete with my demanding training and competition schedule, ACPE allowed me to have the ability to study online. The partnership ACPE has with NSWIS allowed me, as a scholarship holder, meet with Student Services to discuss the potential of my studies at ACPE.

How has ACPE supported you in simultaneously studying and competing?

ACPE has supported me immensely throughout my time as a student and elite athlete. Being on the Elite Athlete program has allowed me to juggle the volume of study amongst all my training commitments. It has allowed me to be in contact with lecturers and the Head of Sports Business for any assistance or extensions needed.

What is the best part about competing at an Olympic level?

The best part about competing at the Olympic level is the opportunity to be challenged and compete amongst the best athletes in the world knowing you are one of the best softballers in Australia.

What is/was your Olympic highlight?

My Olympic highlight, apart from competing of course, was mixing with the best athletes from not only Australia but all over the world – and getting my photo taken with Ash Barty!

If your Olympic journey was made into a movie, who would play you?


Jennifer Aniston would play me in a movie. She is funny, sweet and looks like she would love to have fun, just like me!

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