International alumni, Viktor shares his journey from ACPE to working in the United Kingdom.

The Career-ready Experience & Career Development Services at ACPE

As a student you naturally expect your studies to launch your career and set you up for success, but how? At ACPE we believe that you start building your career from the day you walk through the door. Your future doesn’t start when you graduate, it begins the moment you become a student at ACPE. Don’t wait until your final year before you start thinking about your career – it is important to be proactive when planning your career and take ownership of your own development. We have a dedicated Career Development Services team to guide you along the way and position you for success.

If you’re not sure what you want to do, or have an idea but are not sure where to start, then we can help you develop your career plan. We’ll look at your skills and experience and how they relate to your career ambitions. You can discover what employers are really looking for in new recruits. You can learn about the latest real-world experiences, placements, internship and graduate programs. You can build your professional network while you study by making connections with industry at events, careers fairs, skills workshops and meet leading employers and recent graduates to discover opportunities, and pick up tips that will help you kickstart your career. At ACPE you will be exposed to a variety of initiatives and programs that will ensure you are Career Ready upon graduation. We offer a range of services including career guidance and development, that go beyond what is learnt in the classroom that will enhance your qualification and prepare you for your career journey ahead.

Our strong links with industry means that we provide numerous opportunities to help you discover and realise your potential. Take advantage of employability workshops, work placements, internships and voluntary roles, and attend our careers fairs, one-to-one advice sessions, and employer-led events. You can access these opportunities through the ACPE Careers Hub, our exclusive jobs board. You can benefit greatly from industry placements and internships during your degree. You’ll get to apply what you have learned at ACPE in the real world, gain hands-on experience, and make valuable contacts that could lead to a job after you graduate. You’ll gain an insight into the industry you’re thinking of working in and may even discover a career path that you haven’t thought of before. Recognise that unpaid internships now, lay the foundation for securing paid employment in the future. It is an investment in yourself. What you learn during a placement will give you a head start over other candidates when applying for jobs and you’ll be able to talk about it in your interview.

The Career Development Services supports students and provides career guidance and development by:

  • Supporting students with resume and cover letter advice, best interview practice, developing your LinkedIn profile and growing your overall employability skills
  • Delivering a range of career events and programs such as careers fairs, industry visits, networking events and career management workshops
  • Managing and promoting online career tools and resources
  • Identifying, facilitating and promoting industry experience opportunities
  • Managing ACPE’s Exclusive Jobs Board – The ACPE Careers Hub
  • Running employability workshops
  • Managing ACPE’s partnerships to create new learning opportunities for students

Our ACPE graduates, each year complete a survey (QILT survey) that reflects on their experience at the college. In the 2021 survey ACPE was rated at 87.8% for career skills developed, this is largely because of the focus we have on career core development services. Making sure out students are career ready is a primary focus of the college and something we constantly strive to continuously improve upon. You can rest assured that the ACPE careers team will give you the tools you need to give yourself the best possible chance in the job market upon graduation.

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