International alumni, Viktor shares his journey from ACPE to working in the United Kingdom.

The Importance of Industry Experience

Learning skills in the classroom is one thing but taking those skills into the workforce and applying them is an entirely different ball game. A Great way to avoid jumping in the deep end is to complete internships. Internships allow you to explore different career paths and specializations that suit individual interests.

Having an internship gives students experience in the career field they want to pursue. Not only does this give individuals an edge over other candidates when applying for jobs, it also prepares them for what to expect in their field and increases confidence in their work.

While everyone probably wants to walk away from an internship feeling excited and passionate about the experience, there’s a silver-lining to be found if you didn’t enjoy the job: you’ll know what you don’t like.

Robert McEnally, an ACPE graduate with a Bachelor of Health and movement (Major in health promotion) at the end of 2019 shares:

Throughout my 5 years of study at ACPE, I always made the most of the opportunities available to me and made the most of the ACPE Careers Teams expertise, when it comes to gaining experience in the sporting industry.

 I have been fortunate enough to have been successful in obtaining an internship with Hockey NSW, working on the school planning and strategy program. This specific internship was advertised on the ACPE Careers Hub and was only available to ACPE students and alumni, without the work behind the scenes from the ACPE Careers Team, I would never have had this opportunity.  With everything going on in the world I think it is more important now than ever to make the most of the opportunities available and gain experience in any way you can.”

The ACPE Careers Team believe that internships are a great way to apply the knowledge from the classroom to a rea-l life experience. Building great partnerships with organisations such as Hockey NSW facilitates the placements of students while providing the support and mentoring, they need.

Richard Willis, Pathway Manager, Hockey NSW shares:

“Hockey NSW are very supportive of the role that ACPE play in providing education and development opportunities for their Students and Alumni. As a NSW Sport Organisation that has athletes playing the Olympic sport of Hockey from age 4 through to 84 both male or female we have a wide range of opportunity for prospective Interns.  Hockey NSW have a small team that work closely across all projects, programs or events we conduct. Recently we have been praised by our volunteers and member association for our leadership through the current COVID-19 situation and the effect on sport. Hockey NSW are looking forward to working with ACPE in supporting development of an Interns career.”

Here at ACPE we pride ourselves on providing diverse experiences for our students by assisting them with their internship placement in a great environment to build skills and confidence.

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