International alumni, Viktor shares his journey from ACPE to working in the United Kingdom.

The ACPE Alumni Game Changers: Charlotte Anneveld, Class of 2007

ACPE Alumna, Charlotte Anneveld, completed a Bachelor of Physical Education with the ACPE class of 2007. Sport has always played a central role in Charlotte’s life, with her cricket career taking her on an international journey. After achieving numerous feats during her cricket career on a state, national and international level, Charlotte is now sharing her knowledge and supporting the next generation of student-athletes to be successful both in the classroom and in the sporting arena. We were lucky enough to catch up with Charlotte and hear more about her journey as part of our ACPE Alumni Game Changer Series.

What made you choose to study at ACPE?

Funny story actually, I didn’t apply to ACPE or any other University for that matter! My mum enrolled me and told me the day before that I was commencing a teaching degree at ACPE the next day. After getting over the initial shock and starting my journey at ACPE I have never looked back and absolutely loved my time there. There is no better place to study if you are an athlete.

What are some of the standout memories from your time at ACPE as a student?

When I was studying there, I was a part of a small cohort of around 20 students. We all became quite close and used to do quite a lot together both in between classes and outside of University. My worst and funniest memory is when we all had to go through a dancing module for a semester. Not many of us could dance, I think we all used to go down to the brewery beforehand for some liquid courage. I still to this day don’t understand how any of us passed!

How did you manage to balance your academic commitments with your cricket career as a student and what advice would you have for current ACPE students trying to find the same balance?

At different stages it was hard to balance both my University and cricketing commitments. I made the decision to go part time halfway through and take up the opportunity to play county cricket in England which drew out my degree yet gave me so many more opportunities such as travel, play and network with a variety of people within ACPE and externally. Particularly studying externally for 6 months of the year can be difficult so it was very important for me to have structure and organisation around my commitments.

How have both your cricket career and professional career looked since graduating from ACPE?

My cricketing career saw me playing for the NSW Breakers and ACT Meteors in the national competition, Australia ‘A’, as well as county cricket for a number of different teams across a 5-year period. I was also fortunate to come out of retirement and play in the inaugural WBBL with the Sydney Thunder where we subsequently won the competition.

Whilst playing cricket I took the opportunity to utilise the degree I had from ACPE and taught casually at a number of different schools. Once my cricket career finished, I worked for Cricket ACT across a variety of roles including game development, high performance, corporate and events. After a few years I moved onto the Canberra Raiders (NRL) where I was the Community Relations Manager which encompassed engaging the community and the Raiders, organising for players to go out into the community and running external programs.

From there my career took a slightly different turn after working in sport and I spent 4 years working in higher education at the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons overseeing further education across Australasia within the general dentistry.

I am now working at Macquarie University overseeing the elite athlete program and looking after many athletes such as those that attend ACPE. It is an immensely rewarding job being able to assist young student-athletes in some way to achieve their overall goals both on and off the field.

How did ACPE and your course studies contribute towards setting you up for the athletic and professional success that you have experienced so far in your life?

Studying at ACPE I was fortunate to be one of not many students, so it gave us all a chance to get to know each other, network, and support each other through. ACPE provides a great opportunity for like-minded people to come together and learn. At the time there were a number of male cricketers also doing the same or similar degrees as well. I feel like I was set up for success at ACPE and that staff had a genuine interest for us to better ourselves and empowered us to be more confident individuals. There was also a big emphasis on coaching across a variety of sports.

You must have experienced some amazing memories from your time as a cricketer, what are some of your standout memories looking back at your career today?

I have been extremely fortunate to play cricket at all levels around the world and with some incredible athletes. Some of the highlights during my career would include. Being a part of the NSW Breakers where we won 10 WNCL competitions in a row. Playing county cricket in England and being able to learn from a variety of people. Being a one-club player for Gordon – 22 years. Winning WBBL 01 for the Sydney Thunder and representing Australia ‘A’ and being involved in the Australian setup.

Do you have any parting words of wisdom for ACPE students who are looking to follow in your footsteps?

Something I always tell the athletes at Macquarie is to be nice to everyone, you never know who you might be talking to or what connection or relationship they have in order to help you get a head start. Make sure you take up as many opportunities that are afforded to you whether they be paid or unpaid, particularly using the relationships and alumni that ACPE has. The more people you get out and meet the more opportunity you have to get to where you want to be. Businesses and companies like elite athletes so ensure that you promote yourself and highlight the leadership skills that you possess that set you apart from everyone else.

Would you like to share any shout-outs to old classmates, friends or teachers from your time as at ACPE? 

As we were such a small cohort, I am still in touch with a few old classmates one of which is James Ellender who is leading the charge on better engaging with alumni. I also have fond memories of one of our lecturers Mike Banks who always had a good story and could relate to us and our needs so easily.

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