International alumni, Viktor shares his journey from ACPE to working in the United Kingdom.

Meet an Elite: Kurt Herzog, ensuring his future goes swimmingly

At the Australian College of Physical Education, Sport is a key part of what we do, and as such we take great pride in our Elite Athlete, Performer and Coaches program. Athletes balancing a dual career of pursuing excellence in tertiary studies whilst playing representative sport, performing, or coaching at the highest level are given comprehensive assistance and a benefits package that is tailored individually, ensuring success is achievable. Being a member of the Elite Athlete, Performer and Coach Program at ACPE provides the athlete with the flexibility and support needed for you to excel in both your sport and your tertiary studies. 

We have been fortunate enough to see many great Athletes enter the program over the years, including swimmer Kurt Herzog. After making his debut in 2015 at the World Swimming Championships, where we won a bronze as part of the 4×200 freestyle relay, Kurt has gone on to represent Australia at various international meets. Kurt reflects on his time in the ACPE Elite Athlete Program:

Did you enjoy being a part of the program?

I loved being a part of the program. The flexibility it provided me while training and racing overseas to get tasks and assessments done was one of a kind and a lot better than the other universities I attended.  

What made you choose ACPE and why should other student athletes do the same?

Flexibility in study and online learning. I was training and racing overseas quite frequently but also wanted to complete my studies at the same time to ensure I was well equipped to work in an industry I was passionate about when I finished my professional swimming career.  ACPE allowed me to future-proof my career whilst still chasing my athletic passions

What skills did your degree provide you with?

All the relevant knowledge in the sports management industry from teachers and lecturers who have worked for years in the industry, as well as real-life experience with the internships that were required as part of each year during the course. 

What sets ACPE apart from other universities/ educational institutions?

Definitely the flexibility in learning, more 1-on-1 time with teachers, work experience I gained every year as well as having access to the large contacts and connections the college has to offer with industry partners, which gives you a head start when finish your degree and go out to gain employment. 

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