International alumni, Viktor shares his journey from ACPE to working in the United Kingdom.

ACPE Gamechanger Caitlin Squillari: Partnerships & Events Manager at NSW Rugby League

Caitlin has always been a lover of sport and played just about every sport as a kid but Rugby League was the one that stuck. Caitlin has been excelling within the NRL for the past 9 years with the Penrith Panthers, Sydney Roosters, Parramatta Eels and NSW Rugby League within the membership, merchandise and events departments. Caitlin has now been apart of some of the games largest campaigns, state wide.

A bit about your current role
I’ve been with New South Wales Rugby League coming up to 5 years now, working my way from Special Projects Officer to Partnerships & Events Manager within the Commercial Team. I’ve been able to work across 5 State of Origin Campaigns, NSW Major Competitions Finals Series and countless Partnership campaigns across the State.

The most rewarding part of my career is being able to give back to a game I have grown up loving. The team I work with at NSWRL are great administrators and I am very grateful for all of the support and opportunities they have given me.

Why did you choose to study with ACPE?

Throughout high school I had my mind set on becoming a PE Teacher, and when researching universities I came across ACPE. After looking through the course guide I couldn’t help but be drawn to the Bachelor of Sports Business, so I applied. To make sure I made the right decision I contacted the Penrith Panthers to see if they would accept any volunteer/intern work, I wanted to make sure I made the right decision.  I met some staff members who had recently graduated from ACPE and I knew that this is where I wanted to study.

What did you enjoy most about your time with ACPE?

The connections and friendships made at ACPE are the best part of studying at smaller university. I think it would be hard to go to a sporting organisation and not meet someone who hasn’t studied at ACPE. I’ve met so many people through different avenues who have studied at ACPE and there is an instant connection whether you have studied the same course or not.

What skills did you gain through studying at ACPE?

The biggest lesson I have taken away from ACPE is that your network and building relationships is so important. The sport industry is so small and highly competitive, if you can build a connection with at least one person in the field you are looking to get into you’ll go far.

While studying at ACPE, did you complete any internships or general industry experience?

I completed my work experience hours with the Penrith Panthers across my 3 years of study, and at the completion of my degree I was offered a full-time job in the Membership & Merchandise team.

How did ACPE help set you up for where you are today?

Without studying at ACPE I don’t think I’d have the network that I have built today. Each job opportunity I have been granted has been someone from a previous club recommending me for a role.  Being able to use real life situations and topics that were of interest to me for assignments really helped solidify that this is what I wanted to do professionally. 
Being around like minded people is always an extra motivator and the support given by lecturers and student services was always there when you needed it.

What advice would you have for young adults considering studying with ACPE and pursuing a career in Sport, Health, Fitness, Education or Dance?

Put yourself out there as best you can and do everything to your best ability, wherever you go you want to leave a lasting positive impression. You never know where your first opportunity will take you.

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