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Get to Know Dr. Kelly Ann Parry

Job Title
Senior Lecturer (Education)
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BSc with second-class (upper division) honours in Secondary Education and Physical Education with Information Technology
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Staff Bio

I am a Senior Lecturer in Health and Physical Education at the Australian College of Physical Education. In my capacity as Senior Lecturer, I am responsible for leading quality teacher education programs in the Education faculty and preparing teacher education students to enter a challenging and rewarding profession. This involves designing, reviewing, and delivering units within the Bachelor of Education (Physical & Health Education) and Bachelor of Dance Education programs. At ACPE, I work closely with students across each year of their degree, supporting them to develop the knowledge, understanding, and skills to become quality physical educators.

I am deeply invested in understanding and promoting quality teaching practices. In my own teaching practice, I am a motivated, reflective, and innovative educator with a passion for Physical Education. I deeply value the role that Health and Physical Education plays in shaping the lives of young people. I firmly believe in our responsibility to foster a love of physical activity and to create physically literate individuals. My educational philosophy is student-centric, holistic, and emphasizes the process of ‘how’ to learn as much as the ‘what’ to learn. My practical philosophy incorporates game-centered approaches for teaching knowledge, skills, and values in Physical Education.

Additionally, I am a passionate researcher in the education field, particularly around health and physical education concepts. I have a strong drive for professional development and am dedicated to supporting teachers in delivering quality practice. Eager to grow my research experience, I continuously seek opportunities to enhance my understanding and contribute to the field. My commitment to quality education and professional growth fuels my enthusiasm for making a lasting impact on students and educators alike.

Teaching Interests

Pedagogy – innovative approaches, student centred pedagogy, active learning, models based teaching, spectrum of teaching styles.
Curriculum: Physical Education, Health Education, Physical Literacy, Coaching,

Research Interests

Pedagogy: Innovative approaches to curriculum design. Student centred pedagogies. Models based pedagogy. Spectrum of teaching styles. Games Based Approaches. Menstrual Health. Physical Literacy


Parry, K, A., Curry, C., Pill, S., White, R., Ryan, R., Rossie, T. (In print). Game knowledge, game performance, adnd physical activity using a Games Based Approach: A comparative study.
Parry, K, A. (2020). Exploring Professional Development: Supporting the Implementation of Innovative Pedagogies in Physical Education Teaching. Doctoral Thesis. University of Wollongong.
Armour, M., Parry, K., Curry, C., Ferfolja, T., Parker, M. A., Farooqi, T., Macmillan, F., Smith, C., & Holmes, K. (2022). Evaluation of a web-based resource to improve menstrual health literacy and self-management in young women. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 162, 111038.
Armour, M., Parry, K., Curry, C., Ferfolja, T., Parker, M., Farooqi, T., Parker, M., Farooqi, T., Macmillan, F., Smith, C., & Holmes, K. (2021). Using an online intervention to improve menstrual health literacy and self-management in young women: a pilot study. Research Square.
Armour, M., Parry, K., Al-Dabbas, M. A., Curry, C., Holmes, K., MacMillan, F., & Smith, C. A. (2019). Self-care strategies and sources of knowledge on menstruation in 12,526 young women with dysmenorrhea: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PloS one, 14(7).
Armour, M., Parry, K., Manohar, N., Holmes, K., Ferfolja, T., Curry, C., & Smith, C. A. (2019). The prevalence and academic impact of dysmenorrhea in 21,573 young women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Women's Health, 28(8), 1161-1171.
Armour, M., Parry, K. A., Steel, K., & Smith, C. A. (2020). Australian female athlete perceptions of the challenges associated with training and competing when menstrual symptoms are present. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 1747954120916073.
Sherman, K. A., Pehlivan, M. J., Singleton, A., Hawkey, A., Redfern, J., Armour, M., Dear, B., Duckworth, T., J., Ciccia, D., Cooper, M., Parry, K., A., Ganhi, E., & Imani, S. A. (2022). Co-design and development of EndoSMS, a supportive text message intervention for individuals living with endometriosis: mixed methods study. JMIR Formative Research, 6(12), e40837.
Curry, C., Ferfolja, T., Holmes, K., Parry, K., Sherry, M., & Armour, M. (2022). Menstrual health education in Australian schools. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 1-14.
Armour, M., Hyman, M. S., Al-Dabbas, M., Parry, K., Ferfolja, T., Curry, C., MacMillan, F., Smith, C., & Holmes, K. (2021). Menstrual health literacy and management strategies in young women in Australia: a National Online Survey of young women aged 13-25 Years. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 34(2), 135-143.
Holmes, K., Curry, C., Ferfolja, T., Parry, K., Smith, C., Hyman, M., & Armour, M. (2021). Adolescent menstrual health literacy in low, middle and high-income countries: a narrative review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(5), 2260.
Armour, M., Ferfolja, T., Curry, C., Hyman, M. S., Parry, K., Chalmers, K. J., & Holmes, K. (2020). The prevalence and educational impact of pelvic and menstrual pain in Australia: a national online survey of 4202 young women aged 13-25. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology.

Conference Presentations

Parry, K. A. (2014). Supporting teachers to implement TGfU: A needs-based approach to professional learning. University of Sydney Papers in HMHCE: Special Games Sense Edition, 127-149.
Conference Authors. (2016) Teaching Games for Understanding Conference Supplement from The German Sports University. Volume 87, Supplement 1, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 87: sup1, Si-S120, DOI: 10.1080/02701367.2016.1213610.
8th International Teaching Games for Understanding Conference. Investigating teacher implementation of a Game Based Approach in the natural setting of the teachers. Auckland University, Auckland. 8-11th December 2024.
Australian Association for Research in Education 2023 Conference. Investigating teacher implementation of a Game Based Approach in the natural setting of the teachers. 26 Nov 2023 - 30 Nov 2023, Melbourne
6th International Teaching Games for Understanding Conference with the 10th German DVS Sportspiel Symposium (German symposium on team and racket sports). German Sport University Cologne. 25th-27th of July 2016
Symposium organiser and chair: New developments team games pedagogy • Presentation: Parry, K. A. (2016). Professional Development for Game Centred Approaches – One size does not fit all. Cologne, Germany. July 2016.
Symposium organiser and chair: Translating TGfU theory into practice: how can we support teachers and coaches learning when implementing TGfU. • Presentation: Parry, K. A. (2016). Supporting teachers to implement Game Centred Approaches (GCAs): Towards an effective model of Professional Development (PD). Cologne, Germany. July 2016.
2015 Game Sense for Teaching and Coaching. University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. 17-18th November 2015. • Presentation: Parry, K. A. (2015). Supporting teachers to implement TGfU: a needs-based approach to professional learning. Christchurch, New Zealand. November 2015.
2014 AISEP Congress Conference and TGfU Pre-congress Symposium. Auckland University, Auckland, New Zealand. 9th -13th February 2014. • Presentation: Curry, C. and Parry, K. A. (2014). Exploring the mediating effects of curriculum on teachers work: An exploration of teachers working perspectives from Australian, Brazilian and New Zealand's contexts. Auckland, New Zealand. February 2014.
2024 ACHPER NSW PDHPE K-12 Conference. • Presentation: Parry, K. A. (2024). Using questioning and observation for formative assessment in PE. November 2024
2023 ACHPER NSW PDHPE K-12 Conference. • Presentation: Parry, K. A. (2023). Developing Thinking Players. October 2023.
2022 ACHPER NSW PDHPE K-12 Conference. Australian Catholic University. 25th November 2022 • Presentation: Parry, K. A. (2022). Periods – What a Pain! October 2022. • Presentation: Parry, K. A. (2022). Developing Thinking Players. October 2022.
2021 Football NSW Female coach developer workshop. AIS Canberra. May 2021 • Presentation: Parry, K. A. (2019). Effective Use of Questioning. May 2021.
2019 31st ACHPER International Conference. AIS Canberra. 14-16 January 2019 • Presentation: Parry, K. A. (2019). A PERIODic review of Menstrual Health Education. January 2019.
2018 PDHPE Teachers Association Annual State Conference, ANZ Stadium, Sydney Olympic Park. 19-20 October 2019 • Presentation: Parry, K. A. (2018). Questioning in Games. October 2018. • Presentation: Parry, K. A. (2018). Authentic Assessment in Games. October 2018.
2013 Game Sense for Teaching and Coaching. University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. 7th November 2013. Sydney Games Sense Conference • Presentation: Parry, K. A. (2013). Supporting teachers to implement TGfU: Towards a teacher-led model of professional learning. Sydney, Australia. November 2013. • Presentation: Parry, K. A. (2013). Is it possible to teach old dogs new tricks? Exploring the characteristics of effective professional learning for physical education teachers. Sydney, Australia. November 2013.
Reviewer 2020 Scientific Committee, Reviewer for the 7th Teaching Games for Understanding Conference, Worcester, England on the 28th-30th of July 2020 2016 Scientific Committee, Reviewer for the combined 6th Teaching Games for Understanding Conference with the 10th German DVS Sportspiel Symposium (German symposium on team and racket sports) at the German Sport University Cologne on the 25th-27th of July 2016 2014 Scientific Committee, Reviewer for AIESEP Congress Conference and TGfU Pre-congress Symposium. Auckland University, Auckland, New Zealand. 9th -13th February 2014.

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