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Gilchrist Foundation Scholarship Details


The Gilchrist Foundation’s mission is to assist eligible students in furthering their education and/or sporting ability through financial assistance and active mentoring. ACPE and the Gilchrist Foundation have two fee-relief scholarships for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students who meet the course entry requirements to study at ACPE.


  • $5,000 off the tuition fee

Important note: To submit and be considered for an ACPE scholarship application you must first apply and received an offer from ACPE. If you have not done so, please apply now.


To be considered for this scholarship, you must:

  • be an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or New Zealand citizen residing permanently in Australia
  • be an Indigenous Australian (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander only)
  • have completed the Australian Year 12 Higher School Certificate or other academic qualifications
  • commencing full-time study in any ACPE undergraduate course in the study period of application
  • be considered disadvantaged according to the following criteria: geographical isolation, Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander, Ethnicity, Financial Hardship, family trauma, domestic violence, medical issues, single parenthood, physical disability or intellectual disability

This scholarship is non deferable.

Selection Criteria

Applicants will be assessed on the basis of:

  • academic merit
  • your written personal statement (details of what to include is outlined in the Evidence Required section below)

Evidence Required

  • A well written Personal Statement of purpose where you express your academic goals, field of interest, and how this scholarship is going to contribute to your academic and career aspirations. This response should highlight your passion, motivation, and impact you will have both as an ACPE student and in your area of study (coaching, dance, education, football, health, sport business). This should include an introduction about you and a paragraph (of no more than 100 words per paragraph) on each of the following:

    • Explain what you hope to achieve by studying this course
    • Describe your knowledge of your Indigenous community and background and your participation within your Indigenous community
    • Show evidence of leadership roles and/or responsibilities you’ve undertaken within your Indigenous Community, or how you will use this course to promote your community
    • How will you contribute to ACPE and its community as a scholarship student?
  • Two ACPE reference checks
  • Two letter of support from referees

Gilchrist Foundation Scholarship Application Form

An ACPE team member will be in contact with you to discuss your scholarship application within 24 hours of your submission.

Important note: To submit and be considered for an ACPE scholarship application you must first apply and received an offer from ACPE. If you have not done so, please apply now.