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The ACPE Early Entry program is aimed at assessing potential HSC graduates based on your Year 11 results and predictive scores. This does not remove the requirement for completion of the HSC but merely provides you with an indication of your eligibility pending completion of the HSC results.
Eligibility and requirements
The Early Entry program is open to current domestic and international Year 12 students studying in Australia. A preliminary assessment on your eligibility will be made based on your performance in relevant Year 11 subjects. Any potential offers are conditional upon completing the HSC.
You are expected to have completed at least 4 Category A subjects in Year 11 and 12 studies including English and one of the following subjects if you are considering:
Who is eligible to apply?
Selection criteria
Are there any scholarship options?
When do applications open?
Monday, 4 March 2024
What courses can I apply for?
Which session can I enrol in?
For pathway entry, what is the articulation requirement?
When and how are offers made?
Are there any conditions attached to offers?
Contact Us
Phone: 1300 302 867
10 Parkview Drive
Sydney Olympic Park,
NSW, 2127, Australia
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